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/ Digital Atlas of Idaho / Digital Atlas of Idaho.iso / geog / mining

Directories (1)
Name# Files

Document (1)
NameFormat# PagesSizeDate
mineid.pdf Portable Document Format 75KB 2002-03-11

Text (13)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
cdastmpd.htm Hypertext Markup Language File 527 42KB 2002-05-22
deposits.htm Hypertext Markup Language File 263 20KB 2002-11-25
gemstns.htm Hypertext Markup Language File 125 9KB 2002-11-25
minefr.htm Hypertext Markup Language File 14 430b 2002-11-25
mineintr.htm Hypertext Markup Language File 135 9KB 2002-11-25
minemain.htm Hypertext Markup Language File 163 12KB 2002-11-27
minenav.htm Hypertext Markup Language File 54 3KB 2002-11-25
mineral2.htm Hypertext Markup Language File 204 15KB 2002-11-27
minerals.htm Hypertext Markup Language File 322 24KB 2002-11-27
minewars.htm Hypertext Markup Language File 578 44KB 2002-11-25
minlist.htm Hypertext Markup Language File 2,856 141KB 2002-05-22
mstat48.htm Hypertext Markup Language File 380 24KB 2002-05-22
mstats74.htm Hypertext Markup Language File 53 2KB 2002-05-21